Did you know? Thai rice can help you lose weight.
22 Jun 2566

The problem of falling Thai rice prices is currently being talked about in society. which is a matter of sympathy for Thai farmers who are behind the scenes of good health bright smile and success in many lives like all Thai people
But young women choose to avoid eating. because of weight control or diet there With the simple reason that “rice is flour, flour makes you fat”, it's not 100% true, because flour isn't the only type. There is still powder that is good for the body. and help reduce obesity effectively
Rice helps to lose weight?
rice that helps lose weight Of course, it's not normal rice. Must be rice that has Low glycemic index such as brown rice, riceberry, red rice, or simply rice that has been less milled. It's not the normal white rice that we eat. Because 100% polished jasmine rice or white glutinous rice It has a high glycemic index. make it easier to get fat
What is the glycemic index?
glycemic index of starch It is a measure of how long it takes for the body to digest. and absorb that carbohydrate Into the body, remember simply that sugar from carbohydrates that are digested quickly, absorbed quickly, the body can use immediately. It will make us recover quickly, often hungry, but if it is sugar from carbohydrates that are digested and absorbed slowly We will be full for a long time and hungry slowly because the body takes a while to digest. Than the sugar can be used in the body itself That's why Thai rice such as brown rice, black rice, red rice, Man Pu rice, black rice, or other less polished rice. therefore good for health Suitable for those who want to control their weight. And it is often an option for anyone following a clean diet. Because no matter how you diet, the important thing is not to let your body lack nutrients. You still need to eat all 5 food groups.
Benefits of unpolished rice
1. Rich in various B vitamins That helps prevent canker sores, beriberi, skin diseases and nerves, prevents muscle weakness and nourishes the brain.
2. Contains calcium and phosphorus that help strengthen bones. and strong teeth
3. Contains iron that helps prevent anemia.
4. Contains antioxidants That helps nourish the skin to moisturize, shine and help fight cancer.
5. Contains dietary fiber that helps the excretory system work better.
Therefore, all Thai people should subsidize rice from Thai farmers for our good health And benefits that are good for the Thai economy too Thai eat Thai use Thai prosper.
Credit : https://www.sanook.com/health/5285/